Tactical Marines also can be upgraded with a Sergeant (50 requisition, 25 power). Alternatively, you can use the Missile Launcher (80 requisition, 40 power) which is among the best anti-armor weapons in the game. For anti-infantry purposes, the Plasma Gun (60 requisition, 30 power) is among the most powerful non-deployed anti-infantry weapons in the game. Flamers are generally ignored, however, because of the great second-tier Tactical Marine weapons. At tier one they can use Flamers (75 requisition 20 power) which are great against units in cover or against units in buildings. Tactical Marines can be upgraded to a variety of roles. The combination of high cost and high durability means that Tactical Marines can be expected to survive extreme situations, but they cannot be thrown away in the same way you can sacrifice a Guardian squad for a tactical advantage. With a cost of 500 requisition, they are by far the most expensive out of the first-tier units (except for Assault Marines), but they are extremely robust - they are literally as durable as some of the game’s armored units. The bread-and-butter of the Space Marine forces, Tactical Marine squads deploy as a squad of three elite soldiers. The increase in survivability that results from this can help you manage your Scouts in combat. One thing to keep in mind is that the Infiltrate ability gives your Scouts a defensive bonus even when they are visible to the enemy. The Scouts are your only good point-capture units, so you must learn to micro-manage them in order to gain map control. Scouts do not compare favorably to the basic combat units of other races, but this ultimately does not matter. Frag grenades are great against any group of foes, and also can be used to clear enemies in a building. Scouts can also gain a Scout Sergeant (40 requisition, 25 power) which adds an extra hand and the ability to throw frag grenades. Sniper Rifles cost much more than Shotguns, but they’re much easier to use correctly, as your Scouts arn’t exposed. Sniper Rifles (150 requisition, 80 power) give the Scouts high-powered rifles that fire very slowly, but inflict massive damage at extreme range. Shotguns (40 requisition, 20 power) are very useful when micro-managed near enemy melee units, and each shotgun blast has the chance of knocking down an enemy. With upgrades, Scouts become more useful in combat. You also only get three scouts, and if the Scouts come into directly combat with a Guardian squad or a squad of Slugga Boyz, they are going to lose, and lose quickly. Scouts cost 210 points of requisition, which is nearly as much as the basic combat squads of the other races. They excel at this task, but they require more management when capturing then the units of other races. Their primary purpose in the early game is to capture points. While most Space Marines wear powered armor, the Scouts are more mobile. Out of all the units the Space Marines have in Dawn Of War II, Scouts are the only one that is not particularly hardy. Playing the Space Marines requires excellent unit knowledge, because losing just one of your own squads can be a major setback. They make up with this, however, with their raw power and incredible durability. Compared to the other three races, the Space Marines have far less units, and their squads cost much more. Relic did not forget this when placing them in Dawn Of War II. They are the incarnation of man’s war-like nature, bound together by armor plate. Space Marines never show fear, never show regret, and never show mercy. It is hard to overstate how influential the Space Marines of 40K have been on video game culture, as everything from chainswords to absurdly massive armor can be traced back to the Space Marines of Warhammer 40K. Warhammer 40K’s Space Marines are the original space marines, and they remain the most bad-ass.